We believe in serving Christ with enthusiasm. You’ll have plenty of activities to pick from...
Bible Classes, Nursery & Bible Hour
Bible classes are offered for all ages, from infants through adult. An attended nursery is also provided for families with small children. On Sunday mornings, we offer a “Children's Bible Hour” worship service that is fully-staffed, geared toward younger children, and takes place during the regular morning assemblies. Every activity is designed for fun and growth. Our youth program is out of this world!
Local & Foreign Evangelism
Each year in October, Northwest Church of Christ holds a special collection to help support many ministers and workers in both native and foreign evangelistic efforts. In addition, the funds help with the creation and distribution of teaching aids for Bible schools around the world. Our supported foreign evangelists and their families include those preaching and teaching in Mexico, several South American countries, South Africa, and Vietnam.
Sunday Night Discussion Groups
Suspended until further notice
Suspended until further notice
Usually the second Sunday night of every month, the assembly meets together, and then disperses into several smaller groups. Under the direction of a teacher, each group enters into discussions on various Bible topics. In these discussions, those attending are encouraged to ask questions and make personal comments about the lesson being covered for the night.
Rocks Of Ages
Including those 50 and over, the “older” adults at Northwest play a vital role in the life of the local church. Our congregation is dedicated to serving them in special ways: fellowship gatherings, visitation program, and special trips keep things lively.
Ladies' Bible Classes
Special Bible classes for our ladies are conducted weekly. The English-speaking group meets every Tuesday at 10:00 am. The Spanish-speaking group meets every Thursday at 10:00 am.
Thursday Night Bible Studies
Online only
Online only
Bible study groups regularly meet on Thursday nights in various members’ homes. Conducted in a friendly, casual environment. There are two groups, for either English or Spanish language.
Monday Night For The Master
Periodically throughout the year, members join together on Monday nights to engage in various needed activities and ministries as volunteers. The night always begins with a great meal provided by local members.
We Help Support Evangelists And Their Families All Around The World